musical textbooks

Rhythmic And Melodic Soloing 1
(available in german)

The book Rhythmic And Melodic Soloing 1 (RMS 1) is a fantastic way to enter the infinitely creative world of rhythm. The book deals with binary rhythmic and binary melodic playing concepts. This textbook is completed by terrific audio clips and exercises which were recorded in top sound quality on 2 CDs to be used for playing along.

Here  you can have a flipbook view of the musical textbook Rhythmic And Melodic Soloing 1.


Rhythmic And Melodic Soloing 2
(available 2016 in german)

The book Rhythmic And Melodic Soloing 2 (RMS 2), for the beginner, is more demanding and therefore  recommended to be used after the book RMS 1 – both books can be used by advanced and professionals at the same time. RMS 2 deals with ternary rhythmic and ternary melodious playing concepts. This textbook is completed by terrific audio clips and exercises which were recorded in top sound quality on 3 CDs to be used for playing along.


In planning are the textbooks:

1. Rhythmic And Melodic Soloing 3

2. The Art Of Double Bassdrum Playing

3. The Creative Drummer (textbook row)

4. The Creative Keyboardist

5. The Groove & The Voice

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