
Responses to REVELATION Music Events

What we have experienced in human reactions to our live events
really touched us :

” That was really a revelation. ”
Reaction to Artmusic Concert

” That reminds me of the time, when musicians still everything
have taken out themselves and their instruments. ”
Reaction to Artrock Musical

” I did not know that love has so many faces –
great idea to make a party out of it. ”
“How is that when you see people dance to your own music ? ”
Reactions to REVELATION’s party

” I really got myself in the mood. ”
” With what you can hear today, you can
not imagine how versatile this instrument is. ”
Responses to Drum Performance

” Wow, how your music was created! – Great Inside Event ! ”
Response to Keyboard Performance

” What are you? – Is there a name for it ? ”
Reaction to Presentation

” I’ve never heard anyone make such statements about his own vocal lyrics and music,
and wrote a book about it. ”
Reaction to Artistic Lecture

” Today, music teacher Martina Ertel could give inspiration to around 100 children
between 3 and 6 years – in the musical breaks you could have heard a pin fall. ”
Reacting to Children-Music-Fun at the kindergarten in Bad Honnef